14 July is International Non-Binary Day. This date was chosen because it falls exactly between International Women’s Day and International Men’s Day.
People who identify as non-binary feel neither male nor female. Some of them locate themselves between these two genders, outside of them or have no gender. However, some also feel male and female at the same time or have a gender identity that is constantly changing.
People who feel themselves to be non-binary do not identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. For this reason, they are also defined as trans. The results of a survey conducted by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSF) revealed that around 3.3% (as of 2016) of Germans feel non-binary or trans.
People who are non-binary experience a lot of discrimination within society. For example, only in a few situations and countries is it possible to choose a gender other than male or female. They are also often categorised by society as having a different gender than they identify themselves as.