Become a steward

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We need you!

Leipzig Pride is an event organised by the community for the community. We rely on volunteer stewards to ensure the safe and smooth organisation of the rally and the subsequent demonstration. You can register as a steward using the form below.

As a thank you for your work during the demonstration, you will receive a place on the guest list for the Pride Ball, the official closing party of Leipzig Pride!

The Leipzig Pride rally and the subsequent demonstration are an assembly in the legal sense, for which the responsible authorities impose conditions. One of these is the provision of a sufficient number of stewards.

Stewards support the organisers of the assembly and should in particular ensure that the assembly is carried out as planned. This includes, for example, ensuring that traffic routes are not unnecessarily blocked, that the demonstration is not unnecessarily prolonged or has gaps, as well as recognising disruptions and tense situations at an early stage.

As stewards, you will accompany the assembly or demonstration and keep an eye on it for the entire duration. In potentially problematic situations, you should act in a de-escalating and level-headed manner, but communicate clearly and decisively. Demonstration participants are obliged to follow the instructions of the stewards. As stewards, you in turn are subject to the instructions of the assembly management and should under no circumstances put yourself in dangerous situations, but in case of doubt, contact the assembly management immediately to discuss how to proceed.

Avatar von Sebastian Thiele


Demonstration team


Simply fill in the form below and you will be registered as an assistant. You will receive further information by e-mail shortly.


  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You need German language skills.
  • You must be available on 17 August 2024 from 10:45 a.m. to approx. 4:30 p.m.
  • You may not consume alcohol or drugs before or during the rally and demonstration.

The registration form is closed. Thank you for your numerous registrations.

The registration form will be activated shortly. Follow us on social media so you don’t miss out on when it starts!