Pride 2024

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We choose diversity!

All information about Pride 2024

On this page you will find all information about Leipzig Pride 2024 from 9 to 17 August 2024. This page is continuously updated and supplemented as soon as there is something new.

Of course, we have once again given ourselves a motto and a focus this year.

Leipzig Pride is political! We pursue a series of demands on politics and society.

Layout 2024


Leipzig Pride is, among others, supported by:

We need you!

The Leipzig Pride is an event organised by the community for the community. We are currently looking for volunteer stewards to ensure the safe and smooth organisation of the rally and the subsequent demonstration. We are also looking for volunteer assistants to help us realise our offers in the area of accessibility and inclusion.

You can register via the following links. As a thank you for your work during the demonstration, you will receive a guest list place for the Pride Ball, the official closing party of Leipzig Pride 2024.


09 - 17 August 2024

This year’s Pride week will kick off on 9 August 2024 with the traditional raising of the rainbow flag in front of Neues Rathaus and the subsequent reception hosted by the City of Leipzig, where this year’s CSD Leipzig Award for Queer Commitment will also be awarded.

The highlight, the big demonstration followed by a street festival on Augustusplatz, will take place on 17 August 2024.

You will find further details on the programme here in due course.

The highlight, this year’s demonstration, will start on 17 August 2024 at 11:30 a.m. with a rally on Augustusplatz. We will then demonstrate from 13:00. The demonstration will then culminate in the big street festival with a stage programme on Augustusplatz at around 15:30. Further information on the individual programme items can also be found in the events calendar.

We will announce the demonstration route here and via social media in due course.


09 August 2024 – 4:00 p.m. – Neues Rathaus

17 August 2024 – 11:30 a.m. – Augustusplatz

17 August 2024 – 4:00 p.m. – Augustusplatz

Events of the Pride week

Once again this year, a diverse week of events will take place in the run-up to Pride. Numerous Leipzig clubs, organisations and institutions have put together a colourful programme that has something for everyone. A total of 38 events await you this year! You can find information on all events in our interactive event calendar. You can synchronise individual events or the entire calendar of events with your calendar app so you never miss an event again!

You can also find all the information about the Pride and the events summarised in our programme booklet. Download it now so that you always have all the important information for your Pride week to hand. You can also find printed copies of the booklet in bars, clubs, advice centres and many other places in Leipzig.


The demonstration will start directly after the rally at 1:00 a.m. on Augustusplatz and will continue along the inner city ring road towards Roßplatz and then along Martin-Luther-Ring, past Neues Rathaus and onto Dittrichring. We walk along this to Thomaskirche and turn into the city centre there. Via Thomaskirchhof and Thomasgasse we reach the Markt. From there, we continue through Salzgässchen onto Reichsstraße and along this street to Hallisches Tor. There we will switch back to the inner ring road and walk across Willy-Brandt-Platz past the main station to Goethestraße and back to Augustusplatz. Here, the demonstration will finally lead to the big street festival with a stage programme.

As last year, all speeches will take place during the central rally before the demonstration, so there will be no stops in between.

The buses for barrier-free participation in the demonstration will be in 2nd and 3rd position in the demonstration procession. Boarding will take place in Goethestraße before the start of the demonstration. It is not possible to board after the start of the demonstration!

We must draw your attention to the following requirements of the assembly authorities for the rally and demonstration on 17 August 2024:

  • The Mendebrunnen fountain on Augustusplatz may not be entered. This also applies to the attachment of objects or demonstration materials to the Mendebrunnen fountain.
  • During the entire duration of the assembly (rally and demonstration), the serving and sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
  • During the demonstration, the right-hand lane must be maintained unless the police specify a different procedure on site. Local public transport or oncoming traffic must not be obstructed or jeopardised, taking local conditions into account. An existing separate track bed of the Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe must be kept clear at all times. The instructions of police officers must be followed at all times.
  • If necessary, the assembly must be interrupted when the police, fire brigade or rescue vehicles are travelling to the scene.
  • Demonstration materials must be carried in such a way that other participants or third parties are not endangered or hindered.
  • A distance of at least one metre must be maintained from the overhead lines of Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe.
  • Participants in the assembly are prohibited from carrying dangerous objects that could be used as projectiles, in particular drinks cans and glass bottles. However, it is permitted to carry plastic drinks containers or tetra packs and thermos flasks. It is also forbidden to carry pyrotechnic products.
  • The dropping of leaflets, magazines, other publications or similar during the assembly is prohibited. If the aforementioned publications are carried, they must be handed over or displayed to third parties.
  • The use of sidewalk chalk is permitted without further restrictions as long as it is not long-lasting, does not contain any chemical additives and is water-soluble. If chalk is used that does not fulfil these criteria, the assembly location must be at least roughly cleaned with water after the assembly with regard to the public areas painted with street chalk.

To ensure that the demonstration is a good experience for everyone and runs safely, we also ask you to follow these instructions:

  • Drink enough! It will probably be very warm on the day of the demonstration. Bring enough water with you and refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages before and during the demonstration.
  • Don’t forget sun protection! It will probably be very sunny on the demonstration day. Protect yourself with sun cream, sunglasses and suitable clothing. Please seek out shady areas and contact the stewards or emergency paramedics present if you are not feeling well.
  • Leave your pets at home! The demonstration will be very loud and a lot of people will gather, plus the tarmac will be very hot with the expected temperatures.
  • Physical contact only with consent! No matter what, how much or how little someone is wearing, don’t touch people unless they explicitly agree to it.
  • Choose a suitable outfit! It doesn’t matter what you wear. The important thing is that you feel comfortable in it and can manage the demonstration route in it. Please refrain from being completely naked in public.
  • Please be nice to the stewards and follow their instructions.
  • Please treat each other with respect and kindness and do not leave any rubbish on the streets and green spaces.
  • Contact the stewards or paramedics if you notice that you or people around you are not feeling well.
  • Feel free to wear a face mask if it makes you feel safer.
  • If you have a bike with you, you should keep to the edge of the demonstration if possible and take care not to obstruct other demonstration participants.
  • If possible, do not leave the demonstration or street festival alone if you do not feel safe.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Finalist:in Athena Owls beim Drag Contest 2023

"Icon of CSD Leipzig" Drag Contest

Fame, honour and reach are just some of the achievements of a true icon. In 2024, the best local drag artists will once again compete against each other in the annual “Icon of CSD Leipzig” drag contest. In two rounds, a new Icon of Leipzig Pride will be crowned by jury and public voting. All variations and varieties of drag will be given visibility and a stage.

You want to show yourself? The future of drag is in your hands! Apply now and become our Icon of Leipzig Pride 2024! Show us your art in a form of your choice! You can find more information about the contest in our call for entries.


Here you will find the live broadcast of the rally on 17 August 2024 from 11:30 a.m. and the stage programme for the street festival from around 4:00 p.m.

Rally (from 11:30 a.m.)

Stage programm (from 4:00 p.m.)

To view the videos on our website, you must agree to the use of external media. To do this, click on the cookie symbol in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen and then on “Accept all” or only activate the external media and then click on “Save”. Alternatively, you can also access the streams directly via our YouTube channel.

Our ambassadors

We are very proud to have Barbie Breakout and Max Rogall at our side, two personalities who not only inspire the queer community, but also encourage society as a whole to break down barriers and build bridges. This year’s motto “We vote for diversity!” could hardly be better represented. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our community for all your ambassador suggestions that have reached us!

Barbie Breakout

Drag queen, activist, author, presenter and podcaster

Already successful as a hair & make-up artist, she started her second career in drag at the beginning of the 2000s, did shows, wrote columns and published her first book in 2012.

As a protest against anti-queer attacks in Russia, she sewed her mouth shut on camera in 2013 and became one of the most important queer activist voices in Germany overnight.

Since 2023, she has been the host of “Drag Race Germany”, the German spin-off of RuPaul’s successful show.

Foto von CSD-Botschafterin 2024 Barbie Breakout (Foto: Terry Withaker)
Foto: Terry Withaker

Max Rogall

Queer activist and content creator

Max has been publishing a new video every day since 2022: As @321maxx, he introduces his community to queer news and history, clarifies terms and contexts and disarms anti-queer statements. Sometimes as an explainer, sometimes as a complainer, he creates an important counterpoint to the increasingly loud queer hostility on social media.

He was also a contestant in the third season of the queer dating show “Prince Charming” in 2021.

Foto von CSD-Botschafter 2024 Max Rogall

You can find out what motivates our two ambassadors to get involved in CSD Leipzig and what they stand for in their greetings for CSD 2024. Both will be live at the rally on 17 August 2024 from 11:30 a.m. on Augustusplatz and at the subsequent demonstration.

We would like to thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their commitment to CSD Leipzig 2024!

Accessibility and inclusion

We want to move in the right direction and make our CSD more accessible. To this end, we have been continuously developing our inclusion concept for some time in order to break down barriers and enable ALL people to participate in the CSD and the events of the programme week. You can find detailed information on inclusion and accessibility at CSD Leipzig under the following link.


This year, there will once again be demo vehicles for people with walking disabilities and older people. Click on the link below to find out how you can make use of them.

Rally and street festival

There will once again be a platform in a central position on Augustusplatz, from which people with walking disabilities, especially those who use wheelchairs, will have the opportunity to follow the stage programme from an elevated position. We also offer several barrier-free toilets on the square. The stage programme will be translated into German sign language.


To realise these services, volunteer assistants for people with disabilities are deployed to provide support, for example when getting on and off the vehicles or when using the platform.