The plenum of CSD Leipzig adopted the following declaration of incompatibility on 14 March 2018:
1. Leipzig Pride, the participating persons, associations, parties and initiatives or projects are committed to the basic values published in the catalogue of demands. In particular, Leipzig Pride stands for an open and free society, the defence of human dignity, the right to free development of personality, respect, and the right to physical, psychological and verbal integrity.
2. Racism, xenophobia, sexism, classism, homophobia, trans- and inter-hostility, nationalist, anti-Semitic, anti-democratic, anti-emancipatory ideologies, hostility towards people with physical and mental disabilities, right-wing agitation and other forms of group-related misanthropy have no place at Leipzig Pride.
3. Participation in the Pride, its events and the plenum is incompatible with persons, groups and parties that oppose the demands mentioned under point 1 in terms of content or that tolerate the forms of exclusion mentioned under point 2 in their programmes and publications. This applies in principle to parties, members and supporters of right-wing populist or right-wing extremist parties and groups. Their content and world views, supported or underpinned by the statements and actions of their respective members, are diametrically opposed to the attitude, demands and self-image of Leipzig Pride and are incompatible with them. Therefore, there can and will be no cooperation or exchange with their representatives.
4. Even 49 years after the Stonewall riots on Christopher Street, it is our responsibility to defend the achievements and progress we have fought for since then and not to allow the activists of this struggle to once again become victims of an anti-emancipatory, authoritarian roll-back.
5. This declaration of incompatibility, coupled with the catalogue of demands, must therefore be supported by all those who wish to participate in Leipzig Pride.