Conditions of participation for vehicles for the Leipzig Pride 2024 demonstration
I. General information
Christopher Street Day Leipzig (Leipzig Pride) is a series of cultural and political events that is organised, planned and carried out through the voluntary commitment of associations, projects, initiatives, parties, private individuals and artists. Leipzig Pride is organised by CSD Leipzig e.V.
Leipzig Pride aims to break down prejudice and discrimination against queer people and promote acceptance of different lifestyles.
As part of the event week, CSD Leipzig e.V. is organising a rally on 28 June 2025 from 11:30 am on Augustusplatz and a subsequent demonstration (Pride demonstration) consisting of pedestrians and various vehicles from 1:00 pm to approx. 4:00 pm.
II. Registration
1. Procedure
- An application is required to participate in the Pride demonstration. For this purpose, CSD Leipzig e.V. (organiser) provides an application form on its website, which must be used for registration. Applications by other means will not be considered.
- The application must be submitted by 19 May 2025.
- Associations, projects, initiatives, groups, etc., of the queer community or those that support them with clear and recognisable messages (e.g. parties, trade unions, companies/corporations, authorities, private individuals, groups of private individuals, groups that serve to reduce internal discrimination) are eligible to apply.
Applicants must support the objectives and demands as well as the declaration of incompatibility of the organiser.
- Only one registration and one vehicle per grouping specified in paragraph (3) is permitted. Registrations from party sub-groups (e.g. LGBTIQ* working groups) or independent party-affiliated youth organisations count as a registration for the entire party and therefore exclude registrations from other sub-groups of the same party.
- Applications from companies will only be considered if they also support CSD Leipzig with additional support (e.g. sponsorship or support in kind).
After submitting the application via the online form, receipt is confirmed by automated e-mail.
The confirmation of receipt of the application does not constitute approval of the application to participate. This will be sent separately by e-mail.
- No expense allowance will be charged for the participation of non-commercial associations and parties in the Pride demonstration. A voluntary donation is requested.
- For participation in the Pride demonstration, associations that primarily pursue commercial objectives (e.g. commercial enterprises and party organisers) as well as institutions/corporations under public law must pay an expense allowance. The amount of the expense allowance (plus VAT) is based on the total mass (GVW) of the vehicle:
- up to 7.5 t GVW: 700.00 EUR
- above 7.5 t ZGM up to 25 t GVW: 1,000.00 EUR
- above 25 t ZGM up to 40 t GVW: 1,200.00 EUR
The organiser decides on the classification as commercial or non-commercial.
Payment of the expense allowance must be made against invoice before the demonstration takes place. If the expense allowance is not paid by the date stated on the invoice, this shall be deemed to be a cancellation of the application for participation.
2. Rejection & exclusion
- The organiser may reject the application for participation at any time. A rejection will be made, for example, if the applicant has significantly violated the conditions of participation or official requirements at a previous Pride demonstration or if there are other indications that the applicant is unreliable.
- The organiser may exclude registered participants from the Pride demonstration at any time. This can be done in particular if the participants do not comply with these conditions or if reasons arise according to which the planned participation does not correspond to the purpose and/or character of the assembly or is not compatible with the mission statement with declaration of incompatibility of Leipzig Pride.
To ensure and protect the Pride as a non-discriminatory space, only vehicles from parties whose parliamentary/programme work does not run counter to this can be permitted. The participation of right-wing extremist, ethno-nationalist and/or anti-democratic parties, as well as parties that tolerate persons with right-wing extremist, ethno-nationalist and/or anti-democratic views in their leadership levels, is excluded.
- In the event of exclusion, the expenses incurred by the rejected participant in anticipation of participation will not be reimbursed by the organiser.
- In the event of exclusion, the expense allowance already paid to the organiser must be refunded by the organiser.
III. Fees
Fees are charged for participation with a vehicle for certain applicants:
(All prices plus VAT)
Group 1
Self-help groups, youth groups, associations, political parties, trade unions, political initiatives, action alliances
Free of charge
Group 2
Individuals or organisations that organise queer parties or other queer events with a commercial interest or offer paid services specifically for queer people; individuals
up to 7.5 tonnes GVW: 200 euros
over 7.5 tonnes GVW up to 25 tonnes GVW: 400 euros
over 25 tonnes GVW up to 40 tonnes GVW: 500 euros
Group 3
Commercial enterprises (and their diversity groups/networks), public law institutions
up to 7.5 tonnes GVW: 700 euros
over 7.5 tonnes GVW up to 25 tonnes GVW: 1,000 euros
over 25 tonnes GVW up to 40 tonnes GVW: 1,200 euros
Membership of one of the groups mentioned in paragraph (1) must be stated with the application and will be checked by CSD Leipzig e.V.
CSD Leipzig e.V. is authorised to make a different classification if the information provided in the application is incorrect.Payment of the fee must be made against invoice before the demonstration takes place. If the fee is not paid by the date stated on the invoice, this shall be deemed as cancellation of the application for participation.
IV. Conditions of participation
1. Vehicle
- The gross vehicle weight (GVW) of the vehicle must not exceed 40 tonnes. It is not permitted to deviate from the standard dimensions of the vehicle without the organiser’s consent. If the gross vehicle weight exceeds 12 tonnes, participation in the entire demonstration route cannot be guaranteed (e.g. due to bottlenecks, roadworks, etc.).
- Cars, two-wheelers and vehicles pulled by animals are not permitted.
With the express written consent of the organiser, an exception may be made to this rule, e.g. in the case of cars or trailers fitted with superstructures. - It should be noted that the respective motor vehicle liability insurance is not liable for any personal injury or property damage caused by loads, superstructures or persons on the vehicle.
The participants themselves are responsible for this in terms of civil and criminal law. - The participants themselves are responsible for the safety of the vehicles and their decorations. Panelling (railings or similar) must be fitted to the sides of the vehicle to protect people on the loading areas from falling off.
If loading areas are available, their floor must be non-slip. - The vehicle licence plate must be clearly legible at all times.
Panelling and decorations must not obstruct the driver’s field of vision. No sharp-edged or otherwise dangerous parts may protrude from the outside of the vehicle.
2. Driver
All drivers are obliged to attend the safety briefing and instruction. See point 7. b. paragraph (5).
3. Stewards / safety
- Participants are responsible for organising their own stewards.
- All stewards require a white armband labelled “Ordner:in” and must wear it during the entire Pride demonstration. Participants are responsible for purchasing these themselves.
- Every vehicle requires a crash barrier or rope. This protects demonstrators from being hit by the vehicle due to carelessness or other reasons.
The rope must be long enough to ensure a distance of 1.5 metres between demonstrators and the vehicle at all times.The stewards must keep the distance rope taut during the entire Pride demonstration. The participants themselves are responsible for purchasing the distance rope. Particular care must be taken to ensure that the distance between the loading ramp and demonstrators is maintained when the loading ramp is open during the journey.
If the loading ramp is open during the journey, the edge of the loading ramp facing the participants must be secured with impact protection (e.g. made of foam). - At least two stewards are required per vehicle axle.
The Pride team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Participation is only possible with the required number of stewards. Otherwise, the organiser may refuse the vehicle’s participation.
- The stewards must be instructed that they must strictly follow the instructions of the Pride team, in particular the assembly leader and the vehicle coordinator, the police and the public order office.
- Alcohol and drugs are strictly prohibited for all stewards before and during the Pride demo.
- All stewards must be 18 years of age or older.
- During the Pride demonstration, glass bottles or similar fragile drinking containers are prohibited with reference to the requirements of the assembly authorities.
The use of pyrotechnics or open fire (including candles etc.) is prohibited. Carrying a fire extinguisher is recommended. - The Pride team must be informed immediately of any problems or violations of the requirements or conditions of participation on the part of the demonstrators.
- The stewards are obliged to attend the safety briefing and instruction. See point: 6. b. para. (5)
- The organiser reserves the right to exclude stewards. In this case, it is the responsibility of the participants to organise other stewards.
4. Advertising/presentation
- The design of the vehicle must be related to the event.
- In particular, the design must not contain any racism, sexism, classism, xenophobia, homophobia, trans- and inter-hostility, nationalistic, anti-Semitic, anti-democratic, anti-emancipatory ideologies, hostility towards people with disabilities and/or other forms of group-related misanthropy. The Leipzig Pride advertising guidelines apply.
This also applies to the clothing of the stewards and the vehicle crew, as well as to the advertising material to be distributed. - A maximum of 25% of the vehicle design may consist of third-party advertising (e.g. sponsors and partners).
- Advertising by third parties must be reported to the organiser at least 1 week before the Pride demonstration. The organiser may prohibit the advertising of certain third parties with justification.
- The sale of goods, the serving of drinks or other commercial activities on, from or next to the vehicle by participants is prohibited.
- Leaflets and other advertising material (e.g. fans, sweets, stickers, etc.) may not be thrown from the vehicle with reference to the requirements of the assembly authorities. They must be handed over personally.
5. Line-up, route & rallies (stopping points)
(1) A provisional route will be made available to participants if possible. Experience has shown that the final route is only finalised a few days in advance due to possible changes by the assembly authorities (e.g. due to construction sites etc.).
(2) The route may change spontaneously during the course of the demo due to unforeseen circumstances.
(3) The order of the vehicles is specified by the organiser. It must be adhered to.
6. Liability
The person/organisation registering the vehicle is solely liable for any damage caused by the registered vehicle (e.g. accident or persons tripping on the vehicle). The registering person/organisation shall indemnify the organiser against any claims for damages by third parties. It is recommended to take out insurance for such damage.
7. Procedure on the demonstration day
a. General information
Start (demonstration): 13:00
End: probably 16:00
- The instructions of the Pride team, in particular those of the assembly leader, the police and the assembly authority must be strictly followed.
- The person responsible for the vehicle must be available by telephone between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm on the day of the demonstration and must be in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle during the Pride demonstration.
- The requirements of the assembly authorities apply. If possible, these will be made available to the participants in advance, if this is not possible due to official procedures, at the latest on the day of the demonstration. The infection protection measures in force at the time of the event must be observed. If the organiser specifies a hygiene concept, this must also be adhered to.
- The amount of waste produced must be kept to a minimum. Participants are responsible for their own waste disposal.
b. Preparations
Upon arrival, please contact the vehicle coordinator for possible changes at short notice.
The parking of vehicles on Augustusplatz is prohibited.
No persons may be transported on the loading areas of vehicles until the start of the CSD demo.
Parking facilities for decorating and setting up vehicles will be announced in good time. Care must be taken to ensure that other road users and emergency services are not obstructed.
The safety briefing and instruction by the assembly leader will take place at 11:00 am in the presence of representatives of the assembly authorities and the police. The meeting point will be announced.
All those responsible for the floats, drivers and stewards must attend this briefing.All vehicles must be ready to depart at 11:15 am. The vehicles will be lined up as instructed by the vehicle coordinator. The location of the line-up will be announced in good time.
Vehicles must be parked in such a way that other road users are not significantly affected and access for emergency services is not obstructed.
Sound checks may take place in consultation with the assembly organisers up to 30 minutes before the start of the rally and for no longer than 5 minutes at a time.
The safety of the vehicles and the completeness of the stewards will be checked by the assembly management.
c. Demonstration
Persons are not permitted to get on or off the vehicle while the vehicle is in motion.
The assembly leader gives each vehicle an individual signal to depart.
As soon as the vehicle is in motion, the music system may be switched on.
Sound signals (horns) may not be used for no reason.
During the journey, sufficient distance must be maintained between the vehicle in front and the demonstrators. Walking speed must be maintained.
Attention must be paid to signs from the CSD team (e.g. slow down).
If the requirements state that the music must be stopped at certain locations, this will be signalled by the vehicle coordinator.
After a signalled distance, the music may be resumed on signal.
The demonstration ends when it reaches Augustusplatz. The assembly leader will signal this. The StVO then applies again.
d. Follow-up
- Immediately after the end of the demonstration, the music must be stopped.
- Immediately after the end of the demonstration, no more people may be transported on the loading areas of the vehicles.
- After the demonstration, the vehicles may be undecorated at a location to be announced.
The vehicles must then leave the city center.
IV. Cancellation
If the demonstration is not approved by the assembly authorities or other public authorities or if the demonstration has to be cancelled for other reasons the organiser’s liability is excluded.
Status: 08 January 2025