Archive - Pride 2023

2nd CSD Leipzig Award for Queer Commitment awarded

7. July 2023

Reading time: approx. 2 minutes

Preisträger:in Gerda Matzel beim CSD Empfang 2023

This year, for the second time, we as the organising team are awarding the CSD Leipzig Award for Queer Commitment for special services to the queer community in Leipzig and the CSD.

After two award winners – one person and one organisation – were chosen at the first award ceremony last year on the occasion of our anniversary, we will award the prize in alternating years in the future. This year, therefore, one person was chosen, whom we would like to introduce to you briefly below. Next year, the prize will go to an organisation, for which we will ask you as a community for suggestions in due course.

The award ceremony took place on 07 July 2023 during the Pride reception of the city of Leipzig, which traditionally opens the Pride week.

Photos: Mim Schneider

Gerda Matzel - Laureate 2023

For many years, Gerda Matzel has been passionately involved in the queer scene in Leipzig. Gerda’s field of activity is diverse. Gerda was already a member of the board of RosaLinde Leipzig e.V. and co-founded the Clearingstelle und Anonymer Behandlungsschein Leipzig e.V. This is an association that offers social counselling for people who currently have no regular access to the health system. Gerda Matzel has had a particular influence on medicine & care.

As founder of the working group “Queer Doctors in Saxony”, Gerda sets standards in the field of queer medicine and queer care and breaks down walls. Gerda demands more visibility of queer people in the medical profession and fights tirelessly for an LGBTI-inclusive health sector. Gerda Matzel holds lectures for young doctors to broaden their horizons. Gerda is also a member of the Transgender Network of the University Hospital Leipzig, a network of doctors and scientists of the University Hospital Leipzig, which helps trans people to reconcile their perceived gender and their body.

Foto von Gerda Matzel
Photo: Private

Pride week started

With the raising of the rainbow flag during the reception in front of the New City Hall, the programme week for Leipzig Pride 2023 was traditionally opened. Until 15 July, almost 40 events await you where you can inform yourself and network.

The highlight will be the big Pride demonstration next Saturday. See you on 15 July 2023 from 11:30 am in a good mood on Augustusplatz!


Leipzig Pride is, among others, supported by: