Queer politics

Study on experiences of discrimination in Saxony published

24. February 2023

Reading time: approx. 2 minutes

Schilderaktion "Stop Hate" zum CSD Leipzig 2017

In a survey conducted between 2019 and 2021, the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research DeZIM e.V. was commissioned by the Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality (SMJusDEG) to investigate what experiences people in Saxony have had with discrimination. The study looks at various forms of discrimination – for example in connection with ascribed gender, ascribed sexuality, ascribed disability, age, etc. Under the title “Experienced discrimination? – Experiences of discrimination in Saxony”, the results of the study were presented on 20 February 2023 on over 400 pages.

The figures are shocking, although unfortunately unsurprising. More than half of the approximately 3,700 respondents stated that they had experienced discrimination in the last two years. Of those respondents who had contact with the field of education, 49% had been discriminated against. These are, for example, pupils aged 16 and over and vocational school students. Of the respondents who had already experienced the justice system, 29%, i.e. more than one in four people, stated that they had experienced discrimination.

According to the study, homosexual people in particular, as well as trans, non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid and people who reject gender categorisation, are at a high risk of discrimination. The same applies to people with disabilities and people affected by racism.

According to the SMJusDEG, the results of the study will be incorporated into the update of the “State Diversity Action Plan”.

We conclude from this study that our society has a discrimination problem. The study also shows that this problem must be viewed intersectionally. This is because many people are affected by multiple discrimination. In this context, please also take a look at our focus for 2023 Pride.

We demand that the topic of anti-discrimination work be consistently addressed by the state government. All people must be able to live safely and without discrimination in the State of Saxony!

You can find the complete study at https://www.gleichstellung.sachsen.de/download/Diskriminierung_erlebt_Nomos_Verlag.pdf.

You can find a summary of the key findings at https://www.gleichstellung.sachsen.de/download/Kurzpaper_Studie_Diskriminierung_Factsheet.pdf.


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