
“Incurably queer?” – Survey on queer hostility in Germany

20. February 2023

Reading time: approx. 3 minutes

Demo-Schild mit der Aufschrift "Love is a terrible thing to hate"

We need your support – it’s about queer hostility.

More precisely: about queer-hostile attitudes in Germany.

Mosaik Deutschland e.V. would like to find out from as many queer people as possible what forms of queer hostility they have experienced: in the survey “Incurably queer – experiences with queer-hostile attitudes in Germany.”

The central aim of this survey is to systematically record queer people’s experiences of queer hostility. A particular focus is on the topic of so-called “conversion measures”. (Detailed information can be found at and below).

The results of the survey will be used to create a basis for improving and expanding support and counselling services for queer people. It also provides important starting points for political work by, with and for queer people in the context of updating the law on protection against conversion treatment.

The survey is part of the research project “Conversion treatments: Contexts. Practices. Biographies.”, which was launched in October 2022 as a pilot project on the topic of conversion treatments in Germany. The project is being carried out by Mosaik Deutschland e.V. in cooperation with the Office for Equal Opportunities of the City of Heidelberg and is funded by the Federal Centre for Health Education on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health. A broad-based community advisory board provides professional and content-related support.

The survey can be accessed via

So take part now and spread the word!

This is what it's all about in detail

What are conversion treatments?

Conversion treatments refer to attempts to change the sexual orientation and/or gender identity of queer people so that they adapt to a cis-heterosexual image of society or live a cis-heterosexual life. These measures are often linked to religious beliefs. However, they also occur in medical, psychotherapeutic and/or counselling processes. Sometimes they are also called conversion therapies.

Various studies have confirmed that such measures jeopardise health and can be the trigger for depression and suicide. Conversion treatments have been banned in Germany since 2020. You can find more information on the law and the underlying expert reports, including the studies, here.

How is research carried out?

The research project consists of two different approaches. On the one hand, biographical interviews with survivors of conversion measures and expert interviews are being conducted and analysed.

Secondly, a nationwide online survey entitled “Incurably queer – experiences with anti-queer attitudes in Germany” will be conducted. Dr Klemens Ketelhut (Mosaik Deutschland e.V.) and Danijel Cubelic (Office for Equal Opportunities of the City of Heidelberg) are responsible for this in coordination with the Psychological Lesbian and Gay Counselling Service Rhein-Neckar e.V. (PLUS e.V.). Margret Göth (LGBTI representative of the City of Mannheim) was also significantly involved in the conceptualisation of the project.

The results will be presented at a symposium, among other events.

What about data protection?

In order to achieve the study objectives, we are dependent on the information provided by the participants. Answering the questionnaire is voluntary and anonymous. Technically, every effort has been made to ensure that no connection to you or your access is possible. For example, no IP addresses or cookies are stored.

The online survey is hosted by sosci-survey.

Once the survey has been completed, the data will be irrevocably deleted from the platform.
The information provided is only analysed anonymously and results are presented in aggregated form. Subgroups are always at least large enough to ensure that individuals cannot be identified from the results and that no conclusions can be drawn about you personally.

What happens to the results of the research?

The results of the project are intended to create measures to prevent conversion measures and improve support for those affected. The results of this online survey are therefore intended to raise key questions about the experiences of queer people with corresponding attitudes and actions in Germany. They will be supplemented by interviews with survivors of conversion measures and experts.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

If you have any further questions, please contact the project manager Dr Klemens Ketelhut at the following e-mail address

You can also find more information on the project homepage: https://www.befragung-unheilbar- and on Instagram:


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