Awareness days

Pansexual Visibility Day

24. May 2023

Reading time: approx. < 1 minute

Eine Person hält sich eine Pan-Flagge vor ihr Gesicht

24 May is Pansexual and Panromantic Visibility Day. Pansexuals are attracted to people regardless of their biological sex or gender identity. What counts for them is the person and not the gender with which their partner identifies. According to Statista, around 2% of the population in Germany identify as pansexual. Due to the rarity of this sexual orientation, many people are unaware that pansexuality even exists. Pansexuality is also often confused with bisexuality, as the two sexualities have a lot in common. However, bisexuality refers to attraction to men, women and trans people, while pansexuality also includes attraction to inter and non-binary people. Pansexual people are often confronted with the prejudice that they are completely indiscriminate in their choice of partners or that they are involuntarily attracted to all people – but this is wrong.

Please remain polite and respectful when people tell you about their sexual orientation. No one has the right to deny someone their sexuality.


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