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Who should receive the CSD Leipzig Award for Queer Commitment 2024?

The CSD Leipzig Award for Queer Commitment is awarded annually, alternating between an individual and an organisation. After being awarded to a natural person for the first time in 2023, it will now be awarded to an organisation in 2024.

The award is awarded by the Leipzig Pride organisation team. The participation of the queer community is very important to us. We are therefore asking you for suggestions for possible award winners. Please send us your suggestions by 29 February 2024 and explain why this organisation should receive the award. You can use the form below, send us an email with your proposal or send it to us via our social media channels.

Logo des CSD Leipzig Preises für queeres Engagement


Use the form below to let us know who you think should be honoured in 2024 and why.

Criteria for the nomination:

  • Organisation (e.g. an association, group or initiative)
  • voluntary or full-time commitment to queer people and/or their rights
  • Sphere of the commitment in Leipzig and the surrounding area

The closing date for entries was 29 February 2024.

The nomination form will be activated shortly. Follow us on social media so you don’t miss out on when it starts!